1. Cases eligible for warranty

  • The product is within the warranty period.
  • The product is defective due to the manufacturer.
  • Warranty card intact.

2. Cases not covered by warranty

  • The product has exceeded the expiration date stated on the Warranty Card or lost the Warranty Card.
  • The warranty card does not clearly state the product code and date of purchase.
  • Product code and Warranty Card do not match or cannot be determined for any reason

3. Product warranty process

Step 1: When you discover a product defect, please keep the product in its original condition and contact us immediately to request warranty.

Step 2: Please present your Warranty Card with complete product code information and date of purchase.

Step 3: The shop will receive the product with a Warranty Card from you and send it to the manufacturer for inspection.

Step 4: In case the product is defective due to the manufacturer, you will be exchanged for a new product.


  • In case of customers shipping to the province: when receiving the goods, please record a clear unpacking video with the exact order code and bill of lading code along with the opening process. If the goods are not of the correct model, type, or the goods are damaged due to transportation, If there is a shortage of goods, please contact us to resolve
  • Warranty products will be sent by the shop to the company to check and report the warranty status to the customer
  • Warranty does not apply to all Domestic/Portable products